This sequence is designed to activate and channel the power of the Uruz rune, which represents strength, endurance, and primal life force. As you perform the movement, visualize the raw energy of Uruz rising through you, allowing it to strengthen your body and mind. This exercise should be performed in a fluid and continuous manner, allowing energy to flow smoothly through your body.
Starting Position
- Begin by standing in a neutral position, with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, and your arms relaxed at your sides.
- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize yourself rooted to the earth, drawing strength and stability from the ground beneath you.
Step 1: Bend Forward and Lower Hands
- As you exhale, slowly begin to bend at your hips and waist, allowing your upper body to fold forward.
- At the same time, lower your hands toward the ground in front of you, letting your palms face downward.
- Keep your knees soft to avoid strain, and let your body hang in a relaxed manner as you reach toward the earth. Feel the stretch in your spine and the grounding connection to the earth, as if you are drawing energy from deep within the ground.
Step 2: Begin to Rise with Breath
- As you inhale, turn your palms inward so they face your head. Begin to lift your arms upward in front of you.
- Slowly straighten your spine, rising from the bent position in a controlled, deliberate manner. As your arms rise, visualize gathering strength from the earth, pulling that energy upward through your hands and into your body.
- Continue to straighten your back gradually, allowing your arms to rise until they reach eye level. At this point, your body should be standing upright, with your palms facing toward you as though you are holding the energy at eye level.
Step 3: Fold Palms and Begin Forward Motion
- At the height of the movement, fold your palms downward by tilting your wrists forward so your palms now face the ground.
- As you begin to exhale, slowly lean forward again, initiating the bend at your waist.
- As you bend, allow your arms to move forward in front of you, returning toward the ground. Visualize the energy you’ve gathered from the earth flowing down with you, grounding back into the earth as you lower yourself.
Step 4: Return to Starting Position
- As you continue to exhale, fold forward completely, bringing your body back to the initial bent position, with your hands once again near the ground.
- Let your breath release fully, and feel a sense of calm as you return to the starting posture. Allow the energy to flow freely through your body, as if your movements are a part of a continuous energy circuit.
Step 5: Repeat the Cycle
- Once you’ve returned to the starting position, take a moment to settle and prepare for the next round. Inhale deeply and begin the sequence again, continuing to visualize drawing up strength and releasing it back to the earth.
This sequence can be repeated as many times as desired. As you continue to practice, you will feel the energy of Uruz becoming stronger within you, enhancing your endurance, vitality, and connection to the primal forces of nature.