Othala represents heritage, inheritance, and ancestral connection, symbolizing the importance of roots, legacy, and belonging. This sequence mirrors the shape of the Othala rune and channels its energy of stability, protection, and the passing down of wisdom. The movement embodies the idea of grounding yourself in your heritage while rising toward your full potential, honoring the past as you move forward.
Starting Position
- Stand in a neutral position, with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, and arms relaxed at your sides.
- Take a few deep breaths, focusing on grounding yourself and connecting with the energy of your roots and heritage. Visualize yourself as a strong and stable presence, connected to your ancestors and their wisdom.
Step 1: Step to the Right into a Wide Stance
- Lift your right leg and take a step to the right, shifting into a wide stance with your feet placed comfortably apart.
- Feel your body grounded and stable in this position, prepared to embody the stability and protective energy of Othala.
Step 2: Inhale and Raise Your Arms to Form a V Shape
- As you inhale deeply, begin to raise your arms along your body in a smooth, fluid motion.
- Extend your arms upward and outward until they form a V shape above your head, representing the expansion and potential of the Othala rune.
- Feel the expansion of energy, visualizing the protective and ancestral energy rising within you, connecting you to the legacy of your ancestors.
Step 3: Form the Othala Shape by Bending the Elbows
- Once your arms are fully extended overhead, bend your elbows so that your outstretched fingers meet in front of your forehead, with the palms facing downward.
- This arm position, combined with your wide stance, symbolically forms the shape of the Othala rune, representing the grounded connection to heritage and the protection of ancestral wisdom.
- As you hold this position, feel the energy of stability and legacy centered within you, ready to be honored and carried forward.
Step 4: Exhale and Lower Your Hands and Center of Gravity
- As you exhale, lower your hands back down along your body while simultaneously dropping your center of gravity by bending your knees slightly.
- This lowering motion represents grounding and returning to your roots, bringing the energy of your ancestors back into your core.
- Feel the protective and stabilizing energy of Othala anchoring you as you sink down.
Step 5: Repeat or Return to Starting Position
- From this position, you can either repeat the movement by inhaling again, raising your arms overhead while simultaneously rising from the lowered stance, and repeating the sequence.
- Or, if you prefer, return to the starting position by bringing your right leg back to meet your left leg as you exhale, standing in a neutral stance once again.
By practicing this sequence, you can connect with the stabilizing and protective energy of Othala, helping you to ground yourself in your heritage and carry forward the wisdom of your ancestors. The movement reflects the balance between growth and stability, allowing you to honor the past while stepping confidently into the future. Let this practice remind you of the strength and protection that comes from your roots, empowering you to grow and evolve in alignment with your true self and legacy.