Ingwaz represents potential energy, fertility, and inner growth, symbolizing a seed ready to bloom into new life. The sequence for Ingwaz focuses on gathering energy inward and nurturing it, much like the process of preparing for transformation or new beginnings. The movements mirror the shape of the Ingwaz rune, emphasizing containment and protection of energy until it is ready to be released.

Starting Position

  • Stand in a neutral position, with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, and arms relaxed at your sides.
  • Take a moment to breathe deeply, focusing on grounding yourself and connecting with the stored potential energy within you. Visualize yourself as a seed, full of potential, ready to grow and transform.

Step 1: Inhale and Raise Your Arms Overhead

  • As you inhale deeply, slowly raise your arms along your body, allowing them to move upward in a fluid motion.
  • Once your arms are fully extended overhead, form a V shape with your body and arms, representing the expansion of energy and readiness for growth.
  • In this position, feel the energy rising within you, expanding outward like the potential energy contained within a seed, ready to manifest.

Step 2: Form the Ingwaz Shape by Bending the Elbows

  • As your arms reach overhead, bend your elbows so that your outstretched fingers meet in front of your forehead.
  • Your palms should point downward, with your hands forming the diamond shape of the Ingwaz rune. This position represents the containment and focus of energy, symbolizing potential that is stored and ready for release.
  • Visualize the energy consolidating at your core, ready to be nurtured and developed, much like a seed preparing to grow.

Step 3: Exhale and Lower Your Hands to the Navel

  • As you exhale, gently lower your palms from your forehead to your navel, maintaining the diamond shape with your hands and the elbows at a 45-degree angle.
  • The lowering of the hands represents the centering and grounding of your energy, bringing it into your core where it can be nurtured and cultivated.
  • Feel the energy settling within your body, fully contained and ready for release at the right time.

Step 4: Return to Starting Position

  • Once your hands have reached your navel and the energy is centered, return your hands along the sides of your body back to the starting position, standing tall and balanced.
  • As you return to the starting stance, feel the balance and harmony within you, like a seed containing its full potential, waiting for the right moment to grow.

Step 5: Repeat the Sequence

  • Continue to repeat the sequence, inhaling as you raise your arms into the V shape, bending the elbows to form the Ingwaz shape, and exhaling as you lower the hands to your navel. Each repetition should feel grounded and balanced, representing the cycle of containment and release that Ingwaz symbolizes.

By practicing this sequence, you can connect with the power of potential and growth embodied by Ingwaz, helping you to cultivate balance, harmony, and readiness in your life. The movement encourages you to focus on nurturing your inner potential, trusting that when the time is right, your energy will be released, and your goals will come to fruition. Let this practice remind you of the strength and power that lies within, ready to emerge when the conditions are right.