Berkana, the rune of growth, fertility, and nurturing energy, represents the gentle yet powerful forces of renewal and healing. This sequence reflects the nurturing energy of Berkana, mirroring the shape of the rune, which symbolizes growth and rebirth. As you move through the sequence, focus on cultivating a sense of balance, growth, and renewal, much like the natural cycle of life.
Starting Position
- Stand in a neutral position, with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, and arms relaxed at your sides.
- Take a few deep breaths to center yourself, visualizing the energy of growth and nurturing within you, like a seed ready to bloom into new life.
Step 1: Form the Shape of Berkana on the Right
- As you inhale, raise your right arm in front of you, bending it at the elbow so that your outstretched fingers reach above your head. This arm position represents the growth and upward-reaching energy of Berkana.
- At the same time, raise your right knee, but keep your right toe on the ground. Your body now forms the shape of the Berkana rune, with the right arm and leg symbolizing the nurturing energy rising upward.
- As you hold this position, focus on the energy of renewal, imagining yourself as a tree growing strong and stable, reaching for the sky.
Step 2: Turn to the Right and Step
- As you inhale again, turn your body to the right, moving your right arm and right leg simultaneously.
- Lift your right foot off the ground and take a step to the right. Shift your weight onto your right foot as your right hand falls gently beside your waist, creating a fluid, natural movement.
- Your left leg should follow, pulling to the right, so that you are once again standing in the starting position, grounded and balanced.
- Visualize the movement as a step forward in growth, symbolizing your journey toward renewal and new beginnings.
Step 3: Repeat the Movement to the Left
- Inhale again and this time, raise your left arm in front of you, bending it at the elbow, with the outstretched fingers reaching above your head.
- Simultaneously, raise your left knee, keeping the left toe on the ground, forming the Berkana shape on the opposite side of your body.
- With another inhale, turn to the left, lifting your left foot off the ground and stepping to the left. Shift your weight onto your left foot and allow your left hand to fall gently beside your waist.
- Your right leg follows, pulling into the starting position as you complete the cycle.
Step 4: Repeat the Sequence
- Continue repeating the movement, alternating between the right and left sides. Each step and turn should be smooth and controlled, reflecting the gentle, steady nature of growth and renewal embodied by the Berkana rune.
By practicing this sequence, you can connect with the nurturing and renewing energy of Berkana, helping to foster personal growth and healing. The movement embodies the steady, continuous process of renewal, reminding you to stay grounded while reaching for new beginnings. Through this practice, you can cultivate a sense of balance, strength, and inner nourishment as you move forward on your path.